Endless Summer Herbal Tea
Endless Summer Herbal Tea
A vibrant and refreshingly fragrant tea that is good for the body and reflects exciting, vibrant, relaxing summer days. With a sweet, earthy taste this tea has undertones of vanilla with light notes of citrus. This mix promotes healthy skin, stabilized blood sugar, a healthy digestive system, anti-inflammatory properties and a balanced metabolism.
- White Plum Blossom: With a rich and refreshing aroma, this herb adds a slight hint of vanilla and is traditionally used to soothe the stomach and the liver.
- Golgi Berry: Supports healthy eyes, the immune system, healthy skin, blood sugar stabilization, healthy liver, depression and anxiety and reducing oxidative stress and free radical damage to the cells.
-Dandelion Leaf: In traditional Chinese and Native American medicine, dandelions have long been used to treat stomach and liver conditions. Herbalists today believe that it can aid in the treatment of many ailments, including acne, eczema, high cholesterol, heartburn, gastrointestinal disorders, diabetes, and even cancer.
-Blue Butterfly Pea: With a vibrant blue color, this herb supports healthy blood stabilization, skin and hair and brainpower.
-Lemon: Has overall health benefits, including healthy heart and digestion, kidney stone break down and digestion.
-Hibiscus: Helps with healthy blood pressure, cholesterol, anti-inflammatory, antioxidants and anti-tumor support.
1.5oz bag